Minggu, 23 November 2008

Herb Herbs for Diabetes Mellitus, with complaints Pascastroke

10 grams of dried herb pegagan
10 grams of dried herb Sambiloto
1 lump (jumput) or 21 sheets mimba dried leaf.
Can also use 10 grams of dried leaves sembung
or 3 pieces of fresh leaves of the deity.
Making way:
Pegagan, Sambiloto, and mimba boiled with 5 cups water to 3 cups to. Leaf sembung input to the hot water (be), such as making tea water
How to use:
Sambiloto boiling water, pegagan, and mimba drunk 3 1 cup each day, 1 hour before meals. Water that has entered the leaves sembung (seduhan) drunk 2 1 cup each day, 1 hour before meals. Meanwhile, the god of the leaves eaten quite normal (dilalap)

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